
The Possible Link between Celiac Disease and Infertility

The relationship between infertility and celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder caused by intolerance to gluten, remains somewhat contentious in the scientific community. A number of studies have concluded that a link between untreated celiac disease and unexplained fertility exists. These studies also associate celiac disease with higher occurrences of spontaneous abortion, menstrual disorders, and other reproductive issues.

Researchers have found that women with celiac disease who do not restrict their diet experience earlier menopause and delayed menarche, as well as more frequent periods of temporary menstruation cessation. One study claimed that spontaneous abortion rates were nearly nine times higher among women with untreated celiac disease. Another study found that reproductive problems occur in women struggling with obvious symptoms of celiac disease, but not in those with milder symptoms. Men may also be affected; men with celiac disease may suffer from poor semen quality and other sexual dysfunctions.

However, several other studies have failed to find a link between celiac disease and infertility. Part of the issue is the lack of clear scientific reasoning that would explain why celiac disease would affect fertility. Some researchers have suggested that malabsorption of nutrients leads to deficiencies that affect reproduction, but other researchers have not found signs of malnutrition in those with celiac disease. Still other scientists link infertility with the disruption of normal immune functioning caused by the disease.

While the connection between celiac disease and infertility remains unclear, as does the mechanism that would link them, some women diagnosed With celiac disease have overcome reproductive problems by cutting gluten from their diet. In any case, women struggling with unexplained infertility may wish to undergo screening for celiac disease.

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